ALET welcomes education professionals whose primary focus is technology in the K-12 environment. The applicant must be an employee of a school system or college/university whose primary duties are leading and supporting educational technology. Vendors and contractors may not become ALET members. See the membership categories below. 
Those who benefit the most from membership will be those who work at the system level. Please review the information below before applying for membership. Membership requests are subject to approval by the ALET Board of Directors.

2025 Membership Application/Renewal
ALET will now use member numbers. Your member number will be your ALSDE ID number. Please locate that number before completing the Membership Application form using this website. Not all members will have a State ID number.
ALET Region List, click here. 

Membership Restrictions

No member of any type shall market or sell products or services to any public Alabama System or school, including contracted services in any role. Current members who begin contracting with, marketing, or selling to Alabama Systems or schools must notify ALET and resign their membership. Prospective and existing members who engage in contracting, marketing, or selling to public Systems or schools may request a limited-time waiver by submitting a request to the ALET Board. 
Membership Categories
Delegate Member  Individuals serving as the District Technology Director, or equivalent. There may be only one Delegate Member per SDE-recognized school system.
Technology Leadership Team Member  Individuals who are employees of public school systems (PK-12) who wish to promote the mission of the ALET organization.  Technology Leadership Team Members may only hold office or represent a region if they had previously done so. (Example: An individual had once been a Delegate member, was elected and served as a Board member and/or Officer, but is now categorized as a Leadership Team Member.) 
Associate Member  Individuals who are employees of private schools, colleges or universities, non-profit groups, public libraries, or other educational entities who wish to promote the mission of the ALET organization. 
Honorary Member  Past Delegate or Tech Leadership Team members who have retired from the educational system may obtain Honorary Membership. Honorary members are not required to pay dues. Honorary membership is not automatic and must be approved by the ALET Executive Committee.
Use of Membership Dues and Schedule
Use of Membership Dues All annual membership dues shall be used solely for supporting the nonprofit objectives of the organization. For questions about dues, please email
Membership Period  New members may apply to join at any time of year. Our membership fees are some of the lowest you will ever see. Therefore, we do not pro-rate dues based on your joining date. Our annual membership drive will begin in late fall for the upcoming year. Renewing members must pay dues by January 31st each year. 
Membership Plans
Benefits Basic Premier
Listserv and Website Participation Yes Yes
Attend Members-Only Conferences and Events Yes Yes
Eligible to participate in Certification Programs (CTO, TIC) Yes Yes
Eligible for Awards Yes Yes
Transfer Membership within a School System No Yes
Membership Transfers with you to New School System* No No
Discounted Event Prices and First Chance to Register No Yes
*Exception is when individual pays for their own membership rather than their system paying provided the member is not reimbursed by their system
Premier Membership plan are limited to 200 total. If these are sold out, you must purchase a Basic membership.
Basic Member Costs vs. Premier Member Costs
2025 Membership $25 $25
Winter Conference (2-day event) $70 $50
Summer Conference (1-day event) $70 $50
Fall Symposium (3-day event) $250 $250
Total $415 $375