Technology Director Required Training
The Alabama K-12 Technology and Cybersecurity Act of 2024 requires that all system technology directors to complete 12 hours of training per fiscal year. In addition, technology directors who assume that role after October 1, 2024 must complete ALET's Chief Technology Officer Academy (CTO) within their first 24 months on the job.
Training for All Other ALET Members
ALET encourages the professional growth of its members. In addition to our conferences, we offer certification programs, mentoring, and technical seminars. All are made available to members for free or a nominal charge.
Tech Director Required Hours
The Alabama K-12 Technology and Cybersecurity Leadership Act requires 12 in-person hours per year. We highly recommend live, in-person learning because it has the added benefit of peer networking.
- Minimum 12 hours each year between October 1st and September 30th
- Minimum of six (6) must be 'Alabama' hours offered at ALET conferences or cyber camps. See provisions for online hours via ALET Talent learning management system for those unable to attend live events.
- Maximum of six (6) hours of credit may be awarded for pre-approved, in-person, external events. (See External Events below.)
ALET TD-Talent Online (Goes live in October 2024)
If you cannot participate in live events, you may complete hours online via ALET's Talent LMS. Note that not all online courses offered count towards TD credit hours. ALET will add content throughout the year, but online offerings will not include all topics or sessions provided at live events.
External Events
- Only pre-approved events will qualify. These currently include CoSN and ISTE annual conferences. Vendor-hosted events do not qualify.
- To earn credit hours, Tech Directors must complete an ALET Talent 'course' for each session attended to verify participation and record evidence of learning.
- Request an external event be approved (Link to be added in October.)
Tracking and Reporting Your Hours
Use ALET Talent to review your progress. ALET will upload session attendance from live events. At the end of the fiscal year, ALET will provide the ALSDE with a report. The ALSDE will then up date an annual PowerSchool Learning course with the names of those who have fulfilled the 12-hour requirement.